In Windows, you can resize images without using any third-party apps by using the built-in image editing capabilities provided by the operating system. Here's how you can do it: Locate the image you want to resize on your computer. Right-click on the image file and select "Open with" from the context menu. Choose "Paint" from the list of available programs. This will open the image in the Paint application. In the Paint application, click on the "Resize" button in the toolbar at the top. It looks like a square with a dotted border. In the Resize dialog box, you have two options for resizing: percentage or pixel dimensions. Choose the option you prefer. If you choose "Percentage," enter the desired percentage of the original size in the Horizontal and Vertical fields. For example, if you enter "50," it will reduce the image to 50% of its original size. f you choose "Pixels," enter the desired width and height values in th...